London, United Kingdom
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Well-being is increasingly in the spotlight, with younger generations prioritizing “work-life balance” as they prepare to enter the workforce. Trends like “Quiet Quitting” highlight society’s failure to address the growing demand for healthier approaches to work and life. The 2024 UK-JP Conference thus provides a timely platform to explore these pressing concerns, explore interesting approaches to problem-solving, and to hopefully dream up novel ideas to address emerging well-being issues.
The importance of well-being cannot be overstated. In developed nations, an alarming rise in “Deaths of Despair” is shedding light on the adverse effects of social and economic pressures. Meanwhile, loneliness among young people has surged, amplifying the need to prioritize mental and emotional health. Despite these challenges, well-being remains poorly understood. Mental health research is still in its early stages, and societal misconceptions often reduce genuine struggles to mere weakness.
This conference aims to foster a holistic understanding of well-being, encouraging participants to explore the topic through a multi-disciplinary lens. By examining current approaches to well-being in the UK and Japan, attendees will identify both successes and areas needing improvement. Additionally, the conference will empower participants to propose feasible policies that reflect their learning and insights. More than just a forum for discussion, the event will serve as a meaningful platform for inter-cultural exchange, forging lasting bonds between UK and Japanese participants.
The universality of well-being makes it an ideal theme for a diverse audience. Well-being transcends borders and applies to all individuals, offering a broad and inclusive scope for engagement. Its timeliness further enhances its appeal, as the topic is gaining both academic and popular interest. Moreover, the theme allows for an exploration of distinct views on mental health, hopefully seeking a mutual development for the better. Western values emphasize the individual while being open and communicative of problems, while Eastern values emphasize natural and spiritual balance. Through these discussions, the Conference will delve into the intersection of Eastern and Western perspectives, enriching the intercultural dialogue central to its mission.